A notice from USCAR to the Chief Executive of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands to inform them of the use of specified land for troop training purposes.
"Use of the area [for troop training] will not require the suspension of indigenous…

"Here is one of my prizes. This has the typical road, houses, terrain, fields, rice paddies and the farmer carrying the honey buckets out to his field. I can smell the slop in those buckets from here! The House with the tile roof is the "Honcho" or…

"This is a seed store. The old gent has made himself a pair of bifocals by taping two pairs of glasses together. Hi is using the far vision through the top pai only now, but back to his newspapers he will look through both. Notice the cans in the…

Woman carrying large pumpkin on head

"These are squid drying as we would dry clothes on a line. In a week or month or so they will be stacked like shingles in a market. Children eat them like lolipops"