[Young boy, checkered kimono, holding knife] "This little fellow's head really looked like black velvet. His robe is of the red plaid that most of the children his size wear. Notice where the urine has run down his leg and the dust collected there…
"The dark blue blouses with white strips on cuff and around neck flap are the school girl costume. This is a Japanese influence. As you see the girls on the left are doing all possible to hide their faces from the camera, the others too dumbfounded…
"This old Mamason was none too happy to be cornered for a picture, but after I took it I bowed and thanked her in Japanese and she gave me a big toothless smile. If you look closely you can see the tattoos on her hands and wrists that are placed on…
"This old lady has the tattooed hands and was smoking a cigarette with the holder which turns up at the end. They are very common here. Also from her behavior while I was taking the picture. I decided she was also quite familiar with saki. The lady…
"This is a seed store. The old gent has made himself a pair of bifocals by taping two pairs of glasses together. Hi is using the far vision through the top pai only now, but back to his newspapers he will look through both. Notice the cans in the…
"Ain't this the cutest little feller on the lower right! Also notice how unconcerned the woman is of the bundle on her head, with a bottle in it too! You won't find any stockings in the picture."